The SVG specification was updated to version 1.1 in 2011. Text, including internationalization and localization, appearing in plain text within the SVG DOM, enhances the accessibility of SVG graphics. SVG uses CSS for styling and JavaScript for scripting. SVG drawings can be interactive and can include animation, defined in the SVG XML elements or via scripting that accesses the SVG Document Object Model (DOM). The feature set includes nested transformations, clipping paths, alpha masks, filter effects and template objects. Graphical objects can be grouped, styled, transformed and composited into previously rendered objects. SVG allows three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes such as paths and outlines consisting of straight lines and curves, bitmap images, and text.

The early SVG Working Group decided not to develop any of the commercial submissions, but to create a new markup language that was informed by but not really based on any of them. SVG has been in development within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999 after six competing proposals for vector graphics languages had been submitted to the consortium during 1998. In the picture, scaling the bitmap reveals the pixels while scaling the vector image preserves the shapes. The bitmap image is composed of a fixed set of pixels, while the vector image is composed of a fixed set of shapes. This image illustrates the difference between bitmap and vector images.